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[AHA2011]Andrea Baccarelli博士解析空气污染与血压水平的关系

作者:AndreaBaccarelli 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2011/11/21 16:31:00 关键字:空气污染 血压水平 Andrea Baccarelli 

      <International Circulation>: Where do you put the ambient monitors?

    Prof. Baccarelli:  The ambient monitors are not ours but a monitor system from a group in Beijing.  There is a network of 24 monitors with data accessible online.  When we gather the data from the 24 monitors and match the day of the study with the average on the website and look to see if conditions on a certain day was associated with having a slightly higher blood pressure or not.  It turns out that if a person happens to have been studied on a weekend, when pollution was high, there would be a slightly higher blood pressure on that day.  

    Baccarelli教授: 这些环境监测器并不是我们所有,而是由北京的一个监测系统控制。它由24个监测器构成的一个在线数据访问网络。我们将24个监测器所收集的数据进行综合,并将当天的研究与网站平均值进行匹配,以确定某天的空气状况是否与血压升高相关。研究发现,假若在过去的某个周未空气污染加重,当天人的血压将会略有升高。

    <International Circulation>: Was this more correlated with ambient pollution or was it correlated with personal pollution as measured by the personal monitors?

    Prof. Baccarelli:  It was correlated with ambient pollution.  We think this is because with the ambient pollution there is the ability to average different days that will reflect a more protracted exposure.  In this case we went back to 8 days, while monitors are only worn for 8 hours during the work shift of the participants studied.  According to the interpretation of results there might be a delayed effect of pollution rather than the pollution of a particular day.  This is somewhat consistent with other studies in this same area of pollution effects on blood pressure.  

    Baccarelli教授: 它是与环境污染相关的。之所以这么认为是因为环境污染可以将每天的污染进行平均,从而进一步反映了一个延迟污染暴露。在这种状态下,我们可以获得8天前的数据,而受试者则只能按照轮换着佩戴监测器8小时。依据这些结果的分析,可能存在污染的延迟效应而非特定某天的污染。这与针对同一地区污染对血压的影响的其它研究结果基本一致。

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