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[AHA2011]心房颤动治疗研究进展——Thomas Dewland教授专访

作者:ThomasDewland 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2011/11/14 14:59:29 关键字:ICD  CRT 可穿戴式体外除颤器 WCD Thomas Dewland 

    <International Circulation>: You have also done some work on heart rate recovery in exercise for patients with CRT.  Is this going to be a predictor for how patients react to CRT?

    Prof. Thomas Dewland: That remains to be seen.  Our prior work was mainly done in athletes and in patients without cardiovascular disease.  We have not yet looked at heart rate recovery in patients with CRT.  There are important lessons to be learned as to which patients will truly benefit from ICDs.  We know that all patients with an ejection fraction (EF) of less that 35% are not all the same.  Trying to identify which patients are at a higher risk than others and may therefore benefit more from ICD therapy is important.  Heart rate variability, heart rate recovery, and other autonomic tone in general have all been postulated as mechanisms concerning this, but more research is definitely needed through future studies.


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